
Jul 11 2008

Dieser Text ist für Leser unter 18 Jahren nicht geeignet. Auch wenn Du älter bist als 18, kann es sein, dass Du an diesem Text möglicherweise Anstoß nimmst...

I hold him tight,
and scream at night,
when he gets into me.

His body lies
within my ties,
his flesh lies within me.

I'm moving him,
he's nice and slim
- his movements thrilling me.

Faster! Faster!
He's my master!
Obedient - that's me.

I'm hot, I'm loud,
bewildered shout
- his movements, thrilling me!

A red starlight,
a scream so bright,
he's finished driving me.

Who I am? -
His car, yes, damn!
Thought a slut of me?